IT Strategy Formulation

Why you need an IT Strategy

Your business has a strategy.  You probably also have a marketing strategy, and your CFO has a financial strategy. But what about technology?

Assuming that your IT will just delivers what you ask when you ask it means you’ll always been behind the eight ball technology-wise, and that’s not a situation your want to be in.

Some examples

Growth.  Whether you’re gearing up for organic growth or some acquisitions, you’ll need some technology to support it.  And if you’re not aligning IT with your business strategy, it will impede your growth instead of supporting it.  You need a technology growth strategy, and perhaps an M&A Playbook.

Insource vs Outsource.  Are you putting pressure on IT to reduce costs?  Of course you are.  But are costs the only criteria for outsourcing decisions?  What about capabilities, and technology alignment?  You need a plan.

Cloud.  Everyone’s moving to the Cloud, but should you?  A proper Cloud strategy needs to take into account your capabilities, culture, financial structure and be aligned with your business strategy.  You need a Cloud Strategy.

Let’s get this done

Christophe has extensive experience authoring and executing IT strategies aligned with business strategy, both as a CIO and as a consultant.

With experience and a robust methodology, a robust strategy can be yours in just a few weeks.

Case Studies


christophe -at- christophedeslandes -dot- com

100 Main St N, PMB 118, Southbury, CT 06488 USA

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